“Can I kiss you?” (Copyright 2007)

“Can I kiss you?”


Can I kiss you,

when it’s cold,

beneath the falling winter snow,

when the skies are a beautiful dark pink?

Can I kiss you,

when the flowers begin to bloom,

and the tulips come out,

and the roses begin to pollinate?

Can I kiss you,

when we’re alone,

and nobodies around to see the passion,

as we become intimate?

Can I kiss you,

during autumn,

beneath an oak tree,

as the leaves drop down below?

Can I kiss you,

when the birds sing to us,

or when they fly south,

when the seasons change?

Can I kiss you,

when it’s dark,

when everything’s silent,

and I can only see you through ambient light?

Can I kiss you,

after you say “yes”,

when I arise from one knee,

giving you the diamond of commitment?



4 thoughts on ““Can I kiss you?” (Copyright 2007)

  1. Can I kiss you? It is so Heartwarming that he asked for her permission to kiss her. I hope I got that right? Chuckles. A really beautiful poem you have here Anomalies. Pleased to make your acquaintance.


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